Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Asynchronous and Synchornous Transfer Mode(ATM and ASM)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a standardized digital data transmission technology. ATM is implemented as a network protocol and was first developed in the mid 1980s.The goal was to design a single networking strategy that could transport real-time video conference and audio as well as image files, text and email.Asynchronous Transfer Mode is a cell-based switching technique that uses asynchronous time division multiplexing.[It encodes data into small fixed-sized cells (cell relay) and provides data link layer services that run over OSI Layer 1 physical links. This differs from other technologies based on packet-switched networks (such as the Internet Protocol or Ethernet), in which variable sized packets (known as frames when referencing Layer 2) are used. ATM exposes properties from both circuit switched and small packet switched networking, making it suitable for wide area data networking as well as real-time media transport.ATM uses a connection-oriented model and establishes a virtual circuit between two endpoints before the actual data exchange begins.ATM is a core protocol used over the SONET/SDH backbone of the Integrated Services Digital Network.ATM has proven very successful in the WAN scenario and numerous telecommunication providers have implemented ATM in their wide-area network cores. Many ADSL implementations also use ATM. However, ATM has failed to gain wide use as a LAN technology, and lack of development has held back its full deployment as the single integrating network technology in the way that its inventors originally intended. Since there will always be both brand-new and obsolescent link-layer technologies, particularly in the LAN area, not all of them will fit neatly into the synchronous optical networking model for which ATM was designed. Therefore, a protocol is needed to provide a unifying layer over both ATM and non-ATM link layers, as ATM itself cannot fill that role. IP already does that; therefore, there is often no point in implementing ATM at the network layer.

Synchronous Transfer Mode/Transport Module
The STM-1 (Synchronous Transport Module level-1) is the SDH ITU-T fiber optic network transmission standard. It has a bit rate of 155.52 Mbit/s. The other levels are STM-4, STM-16 and STM-64. Beyond this we have wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) commonly used in submarine cabling.The STM-1 frame is the basic transmission format for SDH. A STM-1 signal has a byte-oriented structure with 9 rows and 270 columns of bytes with a total of 2430 bytes (9 rows * 270 columns = 2430 bytes). Each byte corresponds to a 64kbit/s channel.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Proxy Servers

In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the request according to its filtering rules. For example, it may filter traffic by IP address or protocol. If the request is validated by the filter, the proxy provides the resource by connecting to the relevant server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it 'caches' responses from the remote server, and returns subsequent requests for the same content directly.

Schematic representation of a proxy server, where the computer in the middle acts as the proxy server between the other two.

A proxy server has many potential purposes, including:

* To keep machines behind it anonymous (mainly for security).[1]
* To speed up access to resources (using caching). Web proxies are commonly used to cache web pages from a web server.[2]
* To apply access policy to network services or content, e.g. to block undesired sites.
* To log / audit usage, i.e. to provide company employee Internet usage reporting.
* To bypass security/ parental controls.
* To scan transmitted content for malware before delivery.
* To scan outbound content, e.g., for data leak protection.
* To circumvent regional restrictions.

A proxy server that passes requests and replies unmodified is usually called a gateway or sometimes tunneling proxy.

A proxy server can be placed in the user's local computer or at various points between the user and the destination servers on the Internet.

A reverse proxy is (usually) an Internet-facing proxy used as a front-end to control and protect access to a server on a private network, commonly also performing tasks such as load-balancing, authentication, decryption or caching.

Caching proxy server

A caching proxy server accelerates service requests by retrieving content saved from a previous request made by the same client or even other clients. Caching proxies keep local copies of frequently requested resources, allowing large organizations to significantly reduce their upstream bandwidth usage and cost, while significantly increasing performance. Most ISPs and large businesses have a caching proxy. These machines are built to deliver superb file system performance (often with RAID and journaling) and also contain hot-rodded versions of TCP. Caching proxies were the first kind of proxy server.
Another important use of the proxy server is to reduce the hardware cost. An organization may have many systems on the same network or under control of a single server, prohibiting the possibility of an individual connection to the Internet for each system. In such a case, the individual systems can be connected to one proxy server, and the proxy server connected to the main server.

Web proxy

A proxy that focuses on World Wide Web traffic is called a "web proxy". The most common use of a web proxy is to serve as a web cache. Most proxy programs provide a means to deny access to URLs specified in a blacklist, thus providing content filtering. This is often used in a corporate, educational or library environment, and anywhere else where content filtering is desired. Some web proxies reformat web pages for a specific purpose or audience, such as for cell phones and PDAs.
Content-filtering web proxy

A content-filtering web proxy server provides administrative control over the content that may be relayed through the proxy. It is commonly used in both commercial and non-commercial organizations (especially schools) to ensure that Internet usage conforms to acceptable use policy. A content filtering proxy will often support user authentication, to control web access. It also usually produces logs, either to give detailed information about the URLs accessed by specific users, or to monitor bandwidth usage statistics. It may also communicate to daemon-based and/or ICAP-based antivirus software to provide security against virus and other malware by scanning incoming content in real time before it enters the network.

Anonymizing proxy server

An anonymous proxy server (sometimes called a web proxy) generally attempts to anonymize web surfing. There are different varieties of anonymizers. One of the more common variations is the open proxy. Because they are typically difficult to track, open proxies are especially useful to those seeking online anonymity, from political dissidents to computer criminals
Access control: Some proxy servers implement a logon requirement. In large organizations, authorized users must log on to gain access to the web. The organization can thereby track usage to individuals.

Hostile proxy

Proxies can also be installed in order to eavesdrop upon the dataflow between client machines and the web. All accessed pages, as well as all forms submitted, can be captured and analyzed by the proxy operator. For this reason, passwords to online services (such as webmail and banking) should always be exchanged over a cryptographically secured connection, such as SSL.

Intercepting proxy server

An intercepting proxy combines a proxy server with a gateway or router (commonly with NAT capabilities). Connections made by client browsers through the gateway are diverted to the proxy without client-side configuration (or often knowledge). Connections may also be diverted from a SOCKS server or other circuit-level proxies.

Intercepting proxies are also commonly referred to as "transparent" proxies, or "forced" proxies, presumably because the existence of the proxy is transparent to the user, or the user is forced to use the proxy regardless of local settings.


Intercepting proxies are commonly used in businesses to prevent avoidance of acceptable use policy, and to ease administrative burden, since no client browser configuration is required. This second reason however is mitigated by features such as Active Directory group policy, or DHCP and automatic proxy detection.

Intercepting proxies are also commonly used by ISPs in some countries to save upstream bandwidth and improve customer response times by caching. This is more common in countries where bandwidth is more limited (e.g. island nations) or must be paid for.

Transparent and non-transparent proxy server

The term "transparent proxy" is most often used incorrectly to mean "intercepting proxy" (because the client does not need to configure a proxy and cannot directly detect that its requests are being proxied). Transparent proxies can be implemented using Cisco's WCCP (Web Cache Control Protocol). This proprietary protocol resides on the router and is configured from the cache, allowing the cache to determine what ports and traffic is sent to it via transparent redirection from the router. This redirection can occur in one of two ways: GRE Tunneling (OSI Layer 3) or MAC rewrites (OSI Layer 2).
Forced proxy
The term "forced proxy" is ambiguous. It means both "intercepting proxy" (because it filters all traffic on the only available gateway to the Internet) and its exact opposite, "non-intercepting proxy" (because the user is forced to configure a proxy in order to access the Internet).Forced proxy operation is sometimes necessary due to issues with the interception of TCP connections and HTTP. For instance, interception of HTTP requests can affect the usability of a proxy cache, and can greatly affect certain authentication mechanisms. This is primarily because the client thinks it is talking to a server, and so request headers required by a proxy are unable to be distinguished from headers that may be required by an upstream server (esp authorization headers). Also the HTTP specification prohibits caching of responses where the request contained an authorization header.
Suffix proxy

A suffix proxy server allows a user to access web content by appending the name of the proxy server to the URL of the requested content (e.g. "").
Open proxy server
Because proxies might be used to abuse, system administrators have developed a number of ways to refuse service to open proxies. Many IRC networks automatically test client systems for known types of open proxy. Likewise, an email server may be configured to automatically test e-mail senders for open proxies.
Reverse proxy server

A reverse proxy is a proxy server that is installed in the neighborhood of one or more web servers. All traffic coming from the Internet and with a destination of one of the web servers goes through the proxy server. There are several reasons for installing reverse proxy servers:

* Encryption / SSL acceleration: when secure web sites are created, the SSL encryption is often not done by the web server itself, but by a reverse proxy that is equipped with SSL acceleration hardware. See Secure Sockets Layer. Furthermore, a host can provide a single "SSL proxy" to provide SSL encryption for an arbitrary number of hosts; removing the need for a separate SSL Server Certificate for each host, with the downside that all hosts behind the SSL proxy have to share a common DNS name or IP address for SSL connections.
* Load balancing: the reverse proxy can distribute the load to several web servers, each web server serving its own application area. In such a case, the reverse proxy may need to rewrite the URLs in each web page (translation from externally known URLs to the internal locations).
* Serve/cache static content: A reverse proxy can offload the web servers by caching static content like pictures and other static graphical content.
* Compression: the proxy server can optimize and compress the content to speed up the load time.
* Spoon feeding: reduces resource usage caused by slow clients on the web servers by caching the content the web server sent and slowly "spoon feeding" it to the client. This especially benefits dynamically generated pages.
* Security: the proxy server is an additional layer of defense and can protect against some OS and WebServer specific attacks. However, it does not provide any protection to attacks against the web application or service itself, which is generally considered the larger threat.
* Extranet Publishing: a reverse proxy server facing the Internet can be used to communicate to a firewalled server internal to an organization, providing extranet access to some functions while keeping the servers behind the firewalls. If used in this way, security measures should be considered to protect the rest of your infrastructure in case this server is compromised, as its web application is exposed to attack from the Internet.

Tunneling proxy server

A tunneling proxy server is a method of defeating blocking policies implemented using proxy servers. Most tunneling proxy servers are also proxy servers, of varying degrees of sophistication, which effectively implement "bypass policies".A tunneling proxy server is a web-based page that takes a site that is blocked and "tunnels" it, allowing the user to view blocked pages. A famous example is elgooG, which allowed users in China to use Google after it had been blocked there. elgooG differs from most tunneling proxy servers in that it circumvents only one block.

Content filter

Many work places, schools, and colleges restrict the web sites and online services that are made available in their buildings. This is done either with a specialized proxy, called a content filter (both commercial and free products are available), or by using a cache-extension protocol such as ICAP, that allows plug-in extensions to an open caching architecture.
equests made to the open internet must first pass through an outbound proxy filter. The web-filtering company provides a database of URL patterns (regular expressions) with associated content attributes.

Transmission Circuits DS-1, DS-3, T-1, E-1

DS or Digital Signal, are categorized into 7 categories. the DS0, DS1, DS1C, DS2, DS3, DS3C and DS4.

Digital Signal 0 (DS0) is a basic digital signalling rate of 64 kbit/s, corresponding to the capacity of one voice-frequency-equivalent channel.
The DS0 rate was introduced to carry a single digitized voice call. For a typical phone call, the audio sound is digitized at an 8 kHz sample rate using 8-bit pulse-code modulation for each of the 8000 samples per second. This resulted in a data rate of 64 kbit/s.

A Digital Signal 3 (DS3) is a digital signal level 3 T-carrier. It may also be referred to as a T3 line.

* The data rate for this type of signal is 44.736 Mbit/s.
* This level of carrier can transport 28 DS1 level signals within its payload.
* This level of carrier can transport 672 DS0 level channels within its payload.
Used for The level of transport or circuit is mostly used between telephony carriers, both wired and wireless.


In telecommunications, T-carrier, sometimes abbreviated as T-CXR, is the generic designator for any of several digitally multiplexed telecommunications carrier systems originally developed by Bell Labs and used in North America, Japan, and Korea.
T-1 = runs at original 1.544 Kbit/s line rate

"T1" now means any data circuit that runs at the original 1.544 Mbit/s line rate. Originally the T1 format carried 24 pulse-code modulated, time-division multiplexed speech signals each encoded in 64 kbit/s streams, leaving 8 kbit/s of framing information which facilitates the synchronization and demultiplexing at the receiver. T2 and T3 circuit channels carry multiple T1 channels multiplexed, resulting in transmission rates of 6.312 and 44.736 Mbit/s, respectively.


In digital telecommunications, where a single physical wire pair can be used to carry many simultaneous voice conversations, worldwide standards have been created and deployed. The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) originally standardized the E-carrier system, which revised and improved the earlier American T-carrier technology, and this has now been adopted by the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T).

E-1 = 2.048 Mbit/sec

An E1 link operates over two separate sets of wires, usually twisted pair cable. A nominal 3 Volt peak signal is encoded with pulses using a method that avoids long periods without polarity changes. The line data rate is 2.048 Mbit/s (full duplex, i.e. 2.048 Mbit/s downstream and 2.048 Mbit/s upstream) which is split into 32 timeslots, each being allocated 8 bits in turn. Thus each timeslot sends and receives an 8-bit sample 8000 times per second (8 x 8000 x 32 = 2,048,000). This is ideal for voice telephone calls where the voice is sampled into an 8 bit number at that data rate and reconstructed at the other end.

Monday, January 11, 2010

CAT 7 cable

Category 7 cable (Cat 7), (ISO/IEC 11801:2002 category 7/class F), is a cable standard for Ethernet and other interconnect technologies that can be made to be backwards compatible with traditional Cat 5 and Cat 6 Ethernet cable. Cat 7 features even more strict specifications for crosstalk and system noise than Cat 6. To achieve this, shielding has been added for individual wire pairs and the cable as a whole. Category 7 is not recognized in EIA/TIA standards but it is used and marketed in industry.

The Cat 7 cable standard has been created to allow 10 Gigabit Ethernet over 100 m of copper cabling (also, 10-Gbit/s Ethernet now is typically run on Cat 6a). The cable contains four twisted copper wire pairs, just like the earlier standards. Cat 7 can be terminated either with 8P8C compatible GG45 electrical connectors which incorporate the 8P8C standard or with TERA connectors. When combined with GG45 or TERA connectors, Cat 7 cable is rated for transmission frequencies of up to 600 MHz.

Category 7a (or Augmented Category 7) is defined at frequencies up to 1000 MHz, suitable for multiple applications in a single cable (just like all other categories) including CATV (862 MHz) .[1][2][3] Simulation results have shown that 40 Gigabit Ethernet is possible at 50 meters and 100 Gigabit Ethernet is possible at 15 meters.[1] Mohsen Kavehrad and researchers at The Pennsylvania State University believe that either 32 nm or 22 nm circuits will allow for 100 Gigabit Ethernet at 100 meters.[4][5]

However, similar studies in the past have shown that Cat5e could support 10G, so these should be read with caution. Furthermore, the IEEE is currently not looking into 40G or 100G for Cat7a. It may in the future, but there is absolutely no guarantee that such applications will ever exist.

Cat7a is currently a draft in ISO standards for channel and permanent link. Component performance is yet to be looked into. TIA/EIA currently is not working on any Cat7a standard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Jude 1:3 (New International Version)

The sin and doom of Godless men
3Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.


Fastest performing processor on the planet: the Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition.¹ With faster, intelligent multi-core technology that accelerates performance to match your workload, it delivers an incredible breakthrough in gaming performance.

* 3.20 GHz and 3.33GHz core speed
* 8 processing threads with Intel® HT technology
* 8 MB of Intel® Smart Cache
* 3 Channels of DDR3 1066 MHz memory

INTEL i7 Facts and Performances-SUM UP

♦ Enabling Intel® Turbo Boost Technology (Intel® TBT) requires a PC with a processor with Intel TBT capability. Intel TBT performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration.
± Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT), Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT), and Intel® 64 architecture require a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, enabling software and/or operating system, device drivers and applications designed for these features.
Φ 64-bit computing on Intel® architecture requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers, and applications enabled for Intel® 64 architecture. Processors will not operate (including 32-bit operation) without an Intel 64 architecture-enabled BIOS.

Intel® 64 Architecture

Intel® 64 architecture delivers 64-bit computing on server, workstation, desktop and mobile platforms when combined with supporting software.¹ Intel 64 architecture improves performance by allowing systems to address more than 4 GB of both virtual and physical memory.

Intel® 64 provides support for:

* 64-bit flat virtual address space
* 64-bit pointers
* 64-bit wide general purpose registers
* 64-bit integer support
* Up to one terabyte (TB) of platform address space

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology is one of the many exciting new features that Intel has built into latest-generation Intel® microarchitecture (codenamed Nehalem). It automatically allows processor cores to run faster than the base operating frequency if it's operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits.

Land Grid Architecture

When the processor is operating below these limits and the user's workload demands additional performance, the processor frequency will dynamically increase by 133 MHz on short and regular intervals until the upper limit is met or the maximum possible upside for the number of active cores is reached. Conversely, when any of the limits are reached or exceeded, the processor frequency will automatically decrease by 133 MHz until the processor is again operating within its limits.

AMD Athlon X2 64 Processor

The AMD Opteron™ processor, the AMD Athlon™ processor family, and AMD Turion™ 64 mobile technology comprise the AMD64 family.

* AMD Opteron processor - servers and workstations
* AMD Athlon processor family - desktops and notebooks
* AMD Turion 64 mobile technology - notebooks

AMD64 is designed to enable simultaneous 32- and 64-bit computing with no degradation in performance. With Direct Connect Architecture, AMD64 processors address and help eliminate the real challenges and bottlenecks of system architectures because everything is directly connected to the central processing unit.

All AMD64 processors are enabled with Enhanced Virus Protection, including:
Reference: AMD

* AMD Phenom™ X4 Quad-Core Processors
* The AMD Athlon™ Dual-Core Processors
* AMD Athlon™ for Desktop
* Mobile AMD Athlon™ processors
* AMD Turion™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Mobile Technology
* AMD Sempron™ processors

AMD HyperTransport™ Technology

HyperTransport(TM) Consortium Logo

HyperTransport™ Technology is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment up to 48 times faster than some existing technologies.

HyperTransport Technology helps reduce the number of buses in a system, which can reduce system bottlenecks and enable today's faster microprocessors to use system memory more efficiently in high-end multiprocessor systems.

HyperTransport Technology is designed to:

* Provide significantly more bandwidth than current technologies
* Use low-latency responses and low pin counts
* Maintain compatibility with legacy PC buses while being extensible to new SNA (Systems Network Architecture) buses
* Appear transparent to operating systems and offer little impact on peripheral drivers

HyperTransport Technology was invented at AMD with contributions from industry partners and is managed and licensed by the HyperTransport Technology Consortium, a Texas non-profit corporation.

The full specification and more information about HyperTransport Technology can be found at the HyperTransport web site.

HyperTransport Technology is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.

Cool 'N' Quiet™ 2.0 Technology

With the next generation of award-winning power saving technology, Cool'n'Quiet™ 2.0 Technology reduces heat and noise so you can experience amazing performance without distraction. Combined with core enhancements, included in the AMD Phenom™ processor, that can improve overall power savings, deliver seamless multitasking and energy efficiency. Work, play, talk, and share on a PC that's seen, not heard.
New features:

* Independent Dynamic Core Technology- Helps users get more efficient performance by dynamically adjusting individual core frequencies as required by utilization needs
* Dual Dynamic Power Management™ - Helps improve platform efficiency by providing full-speed memory performance while enabling decreased system power consumption.
* AMD CoolCore™ Technology - Helps users get more efficient performance by dynamically activating or turning off parts of the processor.
* AMD Wideband Frequency Control - Allows the processor to respond more precisely to user demands, maximizing performance to deliver a better PC user experience.
* Multi-Point Thermal Control - Prevents processor from creating too much heat and enables a cooler, quieter PC experience

Cool 'N' Quiet™ 3.0 Technology

Capitalizing on AMD's leadership in energy efficiency with innovations such as, AMD Cool'n'Quiet™ 3.0 Technology, AMD Phenom™ II processors give you performance when you need it and save power when you don't.

In addition to the features included with Cool'n'Quiet 2.0 Technology, the following new features have been added:

* AMD Smart Fetch Technology - Fewer processing cycles are required to locate information since data storage is streamlined and stored in the shared L3 cache. Provides CPU power savings by maintaining processor sleep states and sharing cached data between cores.
* 45 nm Process Technology with Immersion Lithography - puts more transistors in less space and delivers better processor performance while using less power.

AMD's Energy Efficient processors offer technology partners energy-efficient options to create small, quiet and attractive solutions so that enterprises and consumers alike have more pleasant computing experiences. By using less electricity, energy efficient AMD desktop processors can lead to lower energy consumption, contributing to an improved global environment.
Get More with Less Power.

Energy-efficient AMD processors with Cool'n'Quiet™ Technology enable smaller, sleeker, more energy-efficient PC's. In March 2005, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Cool'n'Quiet Technology special recognition for the advancement of energy-efficient computer technologies. AMD expects that systems built using energy-efficient AMD desktop processors can meet, and in many instances, exceed the new system requirements from the EPA's ENERGY STAR Version 4 computer specification, effective July 20, 2007.